We’re the Millers

As bad taste family road movies go, you could probably do worse (and certainly better) than We’re the Millers, a crude gag machine about a thirty-something Denver drug dealer who appropriates a fake cover family to cross the Mexican border and transport a payload…

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The Wolverine

While a marked improvement over 2009’s forgettable X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Hugh Jackman’s latest outing—his 6th as the snarling, talon-fingered mutant Logan—is a middling picture, welcomely understated as summer action pictures go. But that doesn’t exactly make it good. Directed by James Mangold, the expert…

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The Conjuring

James Wan’s splendidly creepy, first-class haunted house picture The Conjuring is a welcome throwback to a genre all but forgotten by Hollywood’s labored, modern CGI thrillers.  Featuring expert craftsmanship that makes superlative use of light, darkness, sound and production design, The Conjuring is a high-order…

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World War Z

There’s nothing new in World War Z, the reportedly troubled movie adaptation of Max Brooks’ zombie apocalypse novel, transformed here into a rousing action picture that plays like a mash up of 28 Days Later and Contagion.  Yet capably directed by Marc Forster and…

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Man of Steel

Richard Donner can relax. Charmless, soulless and assaultive, the misfire Man of Steel treads familiar ground—the origin of Superman and his battle with General Zod—replacing both the spirit and mythology of the icon with an angsty identity crisis and a lot of loud explosions…

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The East

The East, a thought-provoking thriller about a secret agent that infiltrates an “eco-terrorist” faction targeting billion-dollar corporations culpable in some very dirty deeds, is a hell of a provocative picture, a spy movie that forces us to reexamine our notions of terrorism. Co-written by…

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Now You See Me

Now You See Me is a movie with very little story or character, but a hell of a lot of plot and pizzazz.  And that’s mostly okay in this piffle of a caper film, the kind of high-concept contemporary movie-movie that operates in a…

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What Maisie Knew

It’s a very rare movie that presents a character you want, above all costs, to be happy. And What Maisie Knew, the moving new adaptation of Henry James’ 1897 novel of a young girl in peril, is such a film.  In the center of a…

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Star Trek Into Darkness

Note: This review contains plot spoilers. A mostly disappointing sequel to the gleaming 2009 series reboot, Star Trek Into Darkness is a movie that gives us a recycled villain, by-the-numbers directing and nothing new from the J.J. Abrams canon. It’s serviceable and enlivened by…

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The Great Gatsby

Say what you will about Baz Luhrmann’s long-awaited (and much-delayed) vision of The Great Gatsby—a lavish, decadence-drunk period fantasia equal parts artifice and genuine emotion—but all that glitters (literally off the screen here in 3D) is all that matters in this surprisingly faithful adaptation of…

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